If you happen to be into clocks, or know someone who is, clock puns are a pretty epic way to add a little amusement into your life.
The vast majority of clock puns I’ve managed to find come in the form of longer jokes that are pretty darn hilarious. Others are witty one-liners or extremely short and sweet contextual puns.
While not actually puns in any way shape or form, there are also some ridiculously hilarious joke clocks out there that would make for epic presents for those who love puns, love comedy, and love to put up wall clocks around the house as well.
Just for good measure, I’ve thrown in some of the clock-related riddles I found on the web. I think a lot of these – if you don’t already know the punchline – are pretty tricky as a lot of them refer to the hands and face of a clock, which makes what you’re talking about seem like an animal instead of an inanimate object.
If you’ve got clock puns, pick up lines, jokes, riddles, have seen a hilarious wall, digital, or alarm clock – do share in the comments down below!
Clock Puns, Pick up Lines, Riddles, Funny Clock-Themed Jokes, & More
Clock Themed Pick up Lines
- You’ve got me all wound up.
- If I asked you out, would I strike one?
- You ring my bell.
Romance-Themed Clock Puns
- Clock blocked.
Meta: Clock Puns About Clock Puns
- The clock humour may prove to be timely.
Funny Joke Clocks
- Whatever, I’m always late (or Whatever, I’m late anyway).
- Time flies.
- It’s now time.
- Backwards clock.
Miscellaneous Clock Puns
- That’s alarming.
- You ticked me off!
- Rings a bell.
- Face up to what you’ve done!
- Sorry for ticking you off.
Clock Jokes
- Why was the clock in a hurry? It was running out of time.
- If I worked in a clock shop, I’d have the time of my life.
- Ever tried to eat a clock? It’s very time consuming.
- I smashed a clock; the policeman wanted to arrest me for killing time.
- What does a clock do when it is hungry even after eating a meal? It goes back four seconds.
- What do you call a story that one clock tells to another? Second hand information.
- Once I tried to make a belt out of watches. I found out it was a big waist of time.
- Why did the man sit on his clock? He wanted to be on time.
- We named our dog Rolex. Why? He’s a watchdog.
- Why did the scientist drop a wrist watch into his flask? He was looking for a timely solution.
- Why did the man throw the clock out the window? Because he wanted to see time fly.
- What happens when you annoy a clock? It gets ticked off.
- Most clock-makers are normal. Some are cuckoo.
- What did the robber say to the clock? Hands up!
- What’s tall, wooden and complains about all of today’s digital gadgets? A grandfather clock.
Riddles About Clocks
- What has no feet, but still runs?
- What has hands, but can’t feel?
- I have 2 hands on my face; you check on me to keep your pace?
- I have a face that does not smile or frown. I have no mouth, but I make a familiar sound. I have hands, but fingers I do not.
- Without fingers, I point, without arms, I strike, without feet, I run. What am I?
Time Puns
- I love you big time.
Your Thoughts on Clock Puns?
Did you like any of the clock puns in this article? Know of any more that should be up here? Can you think up any new ones?
Have you ever used a clock pun, joke, or riddle? How did it go down? Would you ever buy a funny clock for your wall or for someone else you know?
Would love to hear your thoughts on the comments below!
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